《 —住みなすものは、心なりけり 》ステートメント


《 —住みなすものは、心なりけり 》ステートメント



『寝具阿弥陀三尊像』 ベッドシーツ、画像データ、プリント
『方寸拡大書画三幅対(中幅)』 ピーチスキン生地タペストリー、和紙、プリント
『LAN-Bonsai (Fuki-nagasi)』『LAN-Bonsai (Bunjin-gi)』『LAN-Bonsai (Kengai)』 白色LANケーブル、盆栽町周辺の土、鉢
『Contemporary Zen douga』(4分42秒)  デジタル映像、音声
『母のお手製無料おにぎり』 米、海苔、デカール
『バナーステッカー』 ステッカー

《My pleasure exists only in my mind》

Nirvana and the Pure Land are my motives. The title of my artwork is a citation from the last short poem composed immediately before Takasugi Shinsaku passed away. This phrase follows the other phrase, “Although there is no pleasure in this life, I will keep myself pleasurable.” As a whole, the meaning of this short poem is that your mind decides whether you have some pleasure or not.

“Thinking universally, a sense of yourself might be a trifle. From a similar point of view, a matter of liberty also might be trivial and only to be sorrowful to us. So I hope to be alive within pleasure of my mind instead of sharing nasty words with others. Whining is permissive.”

 (translated by 重信雅俊)

